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Friday, May 31, 2019

Onward - Teaser Trailer Review

Onward - Teaser Trailer Review

The first teaser for Onward has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: Know that I have the utmost respect for Disney and Pixar. They have delivered to us some of the best films and pieces of storytelling in the 21st century.

Also know that I have not liked very many trailers put out by Disney and Pixar, completely separate to what I actually think about their work. 

A film that I enjoyed tremendously, The Incredibles 2, I thought had a poor trailer. it was poorly put together and didn't showcase the best elements of the film, instead choosing to go for flashy animation and action. I firmly believe that no matter the quality of the film, Pixar's next endeavor, Toy Story 4, has had awful trailers.

So to me, it came as no surprise that I did not enjoy the first teaser trailer for Onward. Again please keep in mind that this will have no bearing on my opinion of the film come its release. In fact, I love Pixar's original content (Inside Out and Coco) much more than their sequels. But this trailer didn't do it for me.

The second the trailer started, I instantly got vibes from The Good Dinosaur (one of the few Pixar films that I don't quite enjoy). The concept of "what happens if society turned out differently". Now granted, we didn't get to see much. We mostly saw establishing shots and images of the setting. We only get to see our two main characters towards the end of the trailer, elven brothers played by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland.

But even their interaction felt stilted and unnatural. It felt like they were reading off a script more than they were naturally having a conversation.

The design of the characters and the premise seems interesting enough, but it just didn't appeal to me from the get-go.

Did it Raise Excitement? I'm a little tentative going into the movie after seeing the trailer. It didn't do anything necessarily egregious, no, but it felt so unlike Pixar and Disney to put out content like this. 

Trailer Rating: 4/10

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