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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Terminator: Dark Fate - Teaser Trailer Review

Terminator: Dark Fate - Teaser Trailer Review

The first teaser for Terminator: Dark Fate has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: I am not a Terminator fan, let me make that abundantly clear. Not that I have anything against these films at all; I just missed the train on these films. The first two, I have had heard nothing but good things, but by the time my interest in movies began to peak, these films were critical bombs. So I didn't bother.

I did know about all the drama and intrigue surrounding the new film. The previous installment, Terminator: Genisys, was critically panned and didn't do that well in the box office. The rights have now reverted to original owner James Cameron, and he has said that he's going to ignore all the Terminator films after the second one.

And for what it's worth, this trailer doesn't do anything egregiously wrong. But for me, as someone who is not invested in this franchise, did nothing for me to make me want to see the film.

We see Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger again, reprising their roles from the original two films. If this was supposed to have some nostalgic factor for some other people, consider me not one of them. 

The action and the setpieces did look a little generic to me. I think the CGI in places looked a little shaky. Maybe the CGI will be touched up by the time the film hits theaters, but I think that for what it's worth, there were quite a few shots that didn't work as well as others did.

Overall, like I said before, the trailer didn't do anything wrong at all. But nothing in it helped either. Also the music, which was interestingly somber and quiet, instead of loud and bombastic, was a little jarring - I tried to make it work in my mind, but after seeing it a couple times, it worked less and less and less. 

Did it Raise Excitement? Not particularly. It didn't make me want to not watch the film, but nothing past that. 

Trailer Rating: 5/10

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