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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Teaser Trailer Review

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Teaser Trailer Review

The first trailer for Solo: A star Wars Story, the next film in the Star Wars universe, has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: A lot was riding on this trailer. If this trailer wasn't any good, then this film was in huge trouble, after all the trouble that this film had gone through. 

And while this trailer wasn't phenomenal, I liked it a lot more than I thought. It wasn't great by any means, and it doesn't necessarily quell my fears, but for what it's worth, it was a solid first teaser. Will it do much to quiet the angry fans who are screaming at this movie from all angles? No, certainly not, but then again, almost nothing would have.

I liked Ehrenreich's Solo for the most part in the trailer - again, many forget that Harrison Ford's Han Solo originally wasn't all that exciting, ludicrous as it may be to say. I think that Ehrenreich captures the spirit of Solo very nicely (until the last scene). He doesn't quite have the same charisma, but it's enough to make me happy. 

I alos thought that the shots in the trailer were gorgeous - the cinematography was top notch. 

Seeing Donald Glover as Lando was great as well - I am truly excited to see him in the film, and I hope that he will live up tot he hype. 

And overall, it looks like it will be a fun film - maybe not quite up tot eh caliber of a Han Solo film, but a good film nonetheless.

Side note - the way the logo moved onto the screen looked really cheesy and just bothered me.

Did it Raise Excitement? You know what, I think it did, if only slightly. My excitement for this movie was pretty low, and this trailer didn't do much, but it did raise my exceiement slightly.

Trailer Rating: 7.5/10

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