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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Spider-Man: Far From Home - Trailer 1 Review

Spider-Man: Far From Home - Trailer 1 Review

The first trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: Let me preface this by saying that I do not have any faith in Sony's marketing. Not to be too technical, but a little background behind this. Marketing teams are the teams at movie studios that are responsible for cutting together clips and scenes from the movie to promote a given film, and essentially to get as many people into the theater as possible.  In almost every case, the marketing teams are separate from the actual creative team, which is why you can have bad trailers to good movies, and vice versa

Again, there are exceptions. This isn't confirmed, but I believe Disney gives their creative team a lot more say in the marketing than most other studios, which is probably why their trailers are so much better than a lot of others.

Let's go back a little further. Spider-Man: Homecoming was an exciting film; it was the first film that saw Spider-Man hold his own in the MCU. But the marketing? The marketing completely botched the film. They spoiled a lot of big scenes and moments, and simply by watching the trailers, you can piece together the entire movie. 

So heading into this first trailer, I was nervous. The trailer had already been delayed from the past December, which gave me even more pause. Was it because the trailer was so problematic that Marvel had to intervene? We do know that this is a risky move, even putting out a trailer when Avengers: Endgame hasn't even come out yet, 

Whatever the case may have been, I'll take the end result. I think this trailer is brilliant. 

I cannot stress enough how nervous I was to see the trailer. I pressed the play button and watched the entire two and a half minutes. But by the end, I was grinning from ear to ear. I woke up early just to see the trailer drop, and it was so worth it. The trailer woke me up, and I saw it so many times through the rest of the day. 

Peter is back, and yes, there is no mention as to what happened in Avengers: Endgame, but does anyone not realize that he's coming back at this point? He's back and better than ever, going after Zendaya's Michelle (MJ) with his buddy Ned (Jacob Batalon) in Europe. 

The inclusion of both Nick Fury and Maria Hill were welcome, as well as Happy Hogan. Unlike the first film, which felt the absolute need to include Iron Man to ground Spider-Man into the MCU, this feels like it's connected to the larger universe as a whole while letting Holland play his own character.

We also get our first look at Mysterio, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and he looks great. We know very little about his character, and whether or not he's going to be a hero or a villain, but his costume looks great. The fish bowl was a little jarring, granted, and I hope they don't make it that cheesy in the film, but otherwise, he looks wonderful. 

And can we talk about the music? I thought the music for the previous Spider-Man: Homecoming trailers were jarring, because they switched from a pop song to an orchestral score and not very well. This trailer does the same thing, but it does it in such an organic and brilliant way. The Spider-Man theme was brilliant.

Did it Raise Excitement? I was so incredibly excited for the film to begin with, but I can absolutely say that this trailer shot my excitement through the roof.

This is where things get interesting. This trailer was phenomenal. But it did not play as a teaser trailer. It played almost like a second, or third trailer. And I feel a little worried that while this trailer was so good, the second and third will not be. And because of that, I will not be watching any other promotional pieces of marketing. I am so incredibly satisfied with this trailer and from here, I can't wait to see the film come July. 

Trailer Rating: 10/10

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