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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Avengers: Endgame - How Many Predictions Did I Get Right?

Avengers: Endgame - How Many Predictions Did I Get Right?


It's fair to say that many of us had plenty of predictions going into Avengers: Endgame, myself included. I made a list of ten predictions that I thought would come true in Avengers: Endgame, which you can check out HERE. But now that the film has been out for awhile, it's time to revisit how many of these predictions I got right and wrong.

RIGHT: Present-Day Thanos Is In Less Than 30 Minutes of the Movie: Bingo. My prediction came true in about fifteen minutes, as the Avengers head to Titan 2, or the Garden as they call it, and Thor promptly cuts of Thanos' head. I knew that the Thanos we were seeing in Endgame wasn't going to be the same one that we saw in Infinity War, and by the time the "5 years later" title card came up, this prediction had already come to pass. 

RIGHT: Steve Wields a Form of Mjolnir: Wouldn't you know it, but this became one of the highlight moments of the entire film. When the hammer lifts into the air, I knew immediately where it was going. What's interesting is that the image shown above was almost directly replicated in the film to a certain extent, which made me extremely happy. The MCU had been hinting at Cap's worthiness before, and Endgame only proved the point. 

WRONG: Steve Dies: I think my misguided senses were telling me that because of the sacrifices that Captain America had to make in the previous films, that this would be his big moment. But it turned out that Iron Man would be the one to bite the dust because of a big sacrifice play. All the sacrifices prior in the MCU were actually leading up to Steve living a happy, healthy life with Peggy in the past, almost the exact opposite of what I had thought would come to pass.

WRONG: (A Version of) The Young Avengers: I would give myself half credit on this, depending on where the MCU goes. True, we didn't see the actual Young Avengers in Endgame. But I still believe they were heavily hinting at a version of the team. I think that with the inclusion of Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang, and Harley Keener, I think there were some hints into the future of MCU Avengers. 

WRONG: Thor Goes to Hel: I'll admit, this was based on some wishful thinking and some speculation that really had no foundation to them. There were some rumors earlier that Thor would be heading to Hel in the new film and that's where he would get Loki and Hela to come to the final battle. I admit that was completely wrong, and I whiffed badly on that one. 

HALF-RIGHT: The Avengers Fight Thanos (from the past) on Xandar: The Avengers do indeed fight Thanos from the past. Just not on Xandar. I had mistaken that ashen wasteland to be part of Xandar, when in reality, it was the Avengers HQ. But I still did call that that was a past version of Thanos. 

WRONG: Dimension Hopping: We all knew that there would be some sort of reality/time/dimension altering that would be going on in order to save the universe. I just always assumed that Time Travel would be way too obvious. It was due to the fact that it was my first thought that I dismissed it. But, they did indeed utilize time travel. 

WRONG: Hulk Goes BESERK: Out of all the predictions I got wrong, this one hurts me the most. I still deeply and truly wish that this had happened, and to be quite honest, I have no idea why it didn't. I guess Marvel has more plans for Hulk; it's just that it seemed as though the Russos were directly setting up a HUGE rematch between Hulk and Thanos. But we'll never get to see it. 

RIGHT: The Dusted Return (By the Beginning of the Third Act): Boom. They actually return during the second act, if you think about it, but they SHOW UP in the third act. Regardless, they do return, thanks to Bruce, and they come to join the battle at the very beginning of the third act. 

RIGHT: Avengers Assemble: If Marvel had not fulfilled this wish in the film that promised us everything that we had ever hoped and dreamed for from the 21 films previous, I think there would have been outrage. But, they did it; Marvel delivered on one of the most famous comic book lines in history, uttered by none other than Steve Rogers. 

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now. 

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