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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Aquaman - Final Trailer Review

Aquaman - Final Trailer Review

The final trailer for Aquaman has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: After the enormously long five minute trailer for the film, I was a little worried. I love trailers as much as the next person, but as much as I love films like these, if Marvel released a five minute trailer for Avengers 4, I would be in tears, and I don't think it would be for a good reason. The longer the trailers are, the more movie they give away. And while some argue that they can only give away so much in 5 minutes, I argue that the way scenes are intercut can reveal an entire movie in TWO minutes, much less five. 

But now, after having seen the final trailer for the upcoming film I'm here to say tow things: A) DC fix your marketing department because B) this is the trailer we needed rather than the extended one.

This trailer, while tonally and thematically very similar to the previous trailer, grounds Arthur Curry a little more, showing his backstory and revealing just enough of the story to interest the audience. Yes, the villains don't look that interesting (typical comic-book villains), and perhaps some shots of CGI sharks are questionable, but other than that, this trailer does exactly what it needs to.

There are a couple lines that are spoken that hopefully do not indicate a weak script, but as trailers go, this is paint-by-numbers; trailers usually like revealing the "epic" dialogue and I'm not surprised. Jason Momoa, regardless of what people have said, has made this role his own. Amber Heard, I'm still not quite sold on, but she's there. Willem Dafoe (he will die in the film) looks to play the mentor role well, and the other actors fill their roles as needed.

This trailer showcases enough of the action and story to get me excited for the movie. I don't anticipate this being the next Avengers or Wonder Woman, but I do anticipate this being a very solid film. 

Did it Raise Excitement? I think it raises my excitement about as much as it can get after the failings of the DCEu and my hesitancy on Jason Momoa's Aquaman. I'm looking forward to this film, and that's enough for me. 

Trailer Rating: 8/10

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