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Friday, November 23, 2018

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald - Deciphering the Ending - Has JK Rowling Lost Control of the Ship?

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald - Deciphering the Ending - Has JK Rowling Lost Control of the Ship?


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindwald brought forth more confusion than good in the Harry Potter community. With the shocking reveal that Credence Barebones was not, in fact, a Lestrange but rather a Dumbledore, the entire Potterhead community was left wondering: how does this make any sense at all?

At the end of the film, when Queenie, Grindewald, and Credence are hiding out at Nuremgard, Grindewald reveals to Credence that he is the brother of Albus Dumbledore. At least, that is what is implied when he says "Your brother" to Credence. But does this make any sense? Grindewald then reveals that Credence's real name is not Credence, but in fact, Aurelius Dumbledore.


Many people online have spoken to the fact that, genetically, this doesn't make any sense. It is impossible that JK Rowling has decided to make Credence a true blood brother to Albus, because their father, Percival Dumbledore, died many years before it was even possible for Credence to be alive. So genetically, it does not make sense that Percival Dumbledore could have been the father. So that begs the question - what about Albus' mother? 

There have been theories floating around that Dumbledore's mother had an illegitimate child. This is a possibility. Another possibility is that Credence is not Dumbledore's brother, but rather a cousin or maybe even Ariana's son. Something of that nature. Here is what we (think we) know for certain:

  1. Credence is a Dumbledore. Unless Gellert Grindewald can magically create phoenixes out of ravens, Credence is a Dumbledore. Albus even foreshadowed this by mentioning that anytime there is a Dumbledore a phoenix will come to their aid.
  2. JK Rowling has an answer. In interviews, Ezra Miller has confirmed that there is an answer to this and JK should be trusted.
  3. Aurelius/Credence has the power to kill Dumbledore. Whether or not he is related to him doesn't really matter in this case. Credence was recruited by Grindewald solely because he has the power to kill Albus.

But really, that's all we know for certain. So this begs to the question to me; why would JK do this? There are a few distinct possibilities, and to me, none of them are good. One of them is that JK is retconning the series, which is not out of the realm of possibility. She is, however, known to have a plan at hand, and retconning doesn't seem like something that she would do. So what's up? Another possibility is that she has an elaborate plan that she is going to reveal in the next film. Which is great - except it's going to take a lot of exposition and a lot of explaining for both the Potterheads and the normal audience members. 

Maybe JK has an elaborate plan. Maybe JK knows exactly what she's doing. But here's the thing - I'm not so sure anymore and it has to do with one thing that the filmmakers added to the film. Professor Minerva McGonagall. It makes no sense that she would be teaching at Hogwarts during The Crimes of Grindewald because she wouldn't have been born then. Maybe if everything else had made sense I would have bought the fact that she has this huge elaborate plan IF NOT for the fact that it doesn't seem like she has any grasp on her continuity. This could possibly mean one thing; if Grindewald lied to Credence about his heritage, the entire movie of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald is obsolete. It doesn't matter. And that is the most disappointing revelation of all.  

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