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Monday, July 17, 2017

SDCC Expectations/Hopes 2017

SDCC Expectations/Hopes 2017

With San Diego Comic Con rapidly approaching, there is much to be excited about this year. While most of this years biggest hitters have come and gone with Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume II, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Wonder Woman, we can expect to see a lot from this year for films that are fast approaching and will be out late this year or next year. Here are some things to look forward to, and I hope will be at this years Comic Con.

Thor: Ragnarok Trailer

While Marvel Is two-thirds done already with their slate of films for this year, they still have one more. Thor: Ragnarok, the third installment in the Thor series, is hitting theaters this November, and at this Comic-Con, we expect to see a trailer. Mark Ruffalo confirmed as much on Twitter, saying that he has already seen the trailer and can't wait to show it to the audience. While it's always a question of whether or not the trailer will. Be released on line as well to the general public, It would make sense to release a second trailer for a movie like Ragnarok, which is coming out in November, to release a second trailer around July/August. Expect to see a lot of Hulk/Thor, hopefully some Loki, definitely some Hela, and maybe the Sorcerer Supreme? 

Black Panther Trailer?

This one is questionable. Black Panther is not set to hit theaters until February of next year. While it has released its first trailer, there is usually a hiatus between the first and next trailer, depending on the film. I 1000 percent believe that there will be an emphasis on Black Panther at Comic-Con, with cast members talking about the film, and maybe a sizzle reel, but I don't think releasing a trailer now is in Marvel's best interests. Maybe around the time Ragnarok releases we'll see a second trailer, or maybe around September would be more reasonable. Expect to see Chadwick Boseman and Ryan Coogler, as well as Michael B. Jordan and Lupita N'yongo make appearances this year. 

Justice League Splash

Remember in 2011 when Marvel made a huge splash by bringing out the main cast of The Avengers? Remember how everyone lost their minds? DC and Warner Bros. are not going to hold back this year as they have Justice League coming very soon to theaters. And they're not looking to only impress either. They're looking to steal all of Comic-Con away from anyone else who dares oppose them. While they have not had the best track record, Wonder Woman gave them the huge boost in confidence that they needed, and they're going all in on Justice League. Expect Affleck, Miller, Cavill, Gadot, Fisher, Momoa, Simmons, Adams, and Ciaran Hinds to all be there, as well as Joss Whedon and perhaps a special surprise appearance from Zack Snyder. 

Infinity War?

D23 has come and gone (more on that later today). In its wake, was left a massive trail of Infinity War goodness. Attendees were treated to the first trailer/reel from the film, and they were not disappointed. Now, with Marvel coming to Comic-Con this year, is it a stretch to say that they're going to show the same footage they showed at D23? I think not. I believe that they're going to show the same footage, albeit with a few scenes interchanged, maybe some added or removed, and they're going to debut that to the masses at SDCC 17. Will they release this on the Internet? My bet is on no. While this is a massive event film that has the build up of 10 years worth of movies, the film is still 10 months away. While releaseing trailers that far in advance is not unheard of (ie The Force Awakens) it is also very unlikely. Perhaps they're release a short 30 second spot to please us who didn't get to go to Comic Con but it's doubtful they release anything on the Internet this year.

A Huge Dark Horse

While we have the two juggernauts Marvel and DC in the absence of Star Wars this year, I have a feeling that there will be a Dark Horse that will sweep in and take over Colmic Con. Whether this be the newest Steven King adaptation It or maybe even the Dark Tower, it remains to be seen. But I do think that there will be something that will steal the spotlight away from Infinity War and Justice League. Keep your eyes and ears open.

A Look Back

More than anything, though, this years Comic-Con will be a retrospective. A look back on what has come before. This will be Marvels final hurrah before they show Infinity War, and already at D23, they unveiled a new 10 years logo. DC also is releasing its 5th film this year, which is no understatement. It will be a Comic-Con to contemplate on the past of the comic book movie genre.

No Star Wars?

Notably, and almost conspicuously, is the absence of Star Wars. While not rooted in comic books, Star Wars usually makes some sort of appearance to Comic-Con, which has turned and looked past the moniker and has opened its arms to everything pop culture. But Star WArs is going to be absent, which is concerning seeing as though not a single frame of footage has been shown of the Han Solo movie. When will they release a trailer? Who knows. It remains to be seen.

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