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Friday, July 6, 2018

Ant-Man and the Wasp the Key to Avengers 4?

Ant-Man and the Wasp the Key to Avengers 4?


With the Quantum Realm being opened up in the newest film in the MCU, endless possibilities were opened up for the future. One of which was a simple little line that was dropped by Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne in the mid-credits scene of the film. She drops a line about "time vortexes", which are apparently places you don't want to be in. 

Time vortexes, she said? Seems like something handy for the Avengers to utilize. As it happens, set photos are showing what seems like younger versions of characters like Steve Rogers and Loki. How is this possible? Theories have been going around for a long time that the Quantum Realm would be the key to Avengers 4. Now that we've seen the film, nothing has been particularly confirmed, but the theory does remain very valid, especially considering that this film was specifically released after Infinity War. Clearly, Marvel has a plan, and they don't put their movies in a certain place for a particular reason. I believe that the Quantum Realm technologies have been introduced at just the perfect time for the Avengers to notice. It's also not a coincidence, in my opinion, that we see TV screens showing Giant-Man in San Francisco. Perhaps Tony Stark and Steve Rogers caught wind of this and decided to go after him?

We'll have to wait and see, but one thing is for sure. Scott Lang is getting out the Quantum Realm before Avengers 4 begins, and he's going to help them in a big way.

Ant-Man and the Wasp is in theaters now and Avengers 4 will hit theaters next May. 

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