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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Editorial #6 - What Should Star Wars do about Princess Leia?

Editorial #6 - What Should Star Wars do about Princess Leia?

As shocking as it is to say, Carrie Fisher has not been with us for over a year. Star Wars has sorely missed her presence, her spunk, and her heart as they continue pressing on towards whatever other films they have planned. But now that Episode 9 is almost beginning its production, the question arises: what will J.J. do with the Princess Leia character? 

To me, there are three primary options that they have, and they have already ruled out one. But just to briefly summarize what they are...

  • Recast: This one perhaps is the most interesting one. Carrie Fisher held the spirit of Princess Leia since the late 70s, and because of that, she has almost become synonymous with the character as it defined her and her career. Mark Hamill himself has said that recasting would be tough because of how ingrained Carrie Fisher is with the character. However, if reports are to be believed, then Carrie Fisher had a significant role in the upcoming Episode 9. So what can they do? One option, as hard as it may be, is to recast Princess Leia. IN this way, they can finish her story arc and still have the character live on without the actress herself. 
  • CGI: This one has been ruled out by Lucasfilm and Disney but I thought I'd just include it just for fun. Awhile back, way back in 2016, we first saw the emergence of an entirely CGI character appeared in the form of a resurrected Peter Cushing playing Grand Moff Tarkin. The reactions from the movie were mixed at best, but for the most part, fans seemed to indicate it worked well enough. So when Carrie passed, fans wondered if Disney would be able to do this with Princess Leia. However, in the recent past, Disney and Lucasfilm have confirmed that this is not the way that they're going to go. Additionally, the technology is not at the point where they can carry this throughout the entire film, and I don't believe this to be the most prudent option. Maybe in 20 years, but not in 2018-2019.
  • Don't Use Her: This option is intriguing in it of itself. Because of the predicament that Disney is in, they are presented with an easy way out. The opening crawl. Because of the precedent that Episodes can take place years apart, another idea that Lucasfilm could use would be to say "General Leia Organa" had passed on during the opening crawl. This would effectively allow her presence to be very heavy in the film without actually having to use her.
I don't believe there are any other options at the present, and I think that Disney is either going to not use her or recast her. Now, here are a couple interesting things about this. Let's play out both scenarios.

So let's say Disney recasts Leia. Well, here's the thing. Disney usually announces their castings a little bit before they start filming. So the fact that they haven't announced who Leia would be is a little unusual, but still not completely out of the ordinary. They begin filming in June and depending on what they wanted to do, they could announce it anytime in the next couple months.

Another thing to note is that if they were to recast Leia, they already have. Something that many casual fans don't realize is that when a casting is announced, the deal was done weeks, even months before the announcement. So if Disney were to announce the casting, the actress who would be stepping into the General's shoes would already know. 

Let's say they decide not to use her at all. This would make a little more sense - it seems that Disney is moving full steam ahead with JJ Abrams and the rest of the returning case, without any word of Princess Leia. AGAIN, they are still a couple months away from production beginning, but still, all signs indicate that they may be moving ahead without her.

As for me personally? I stand on two different fronts. A few days ago I was completely against the idea of recasting Leia. But then rumors came out of a certain actress who may be willing to play her. And with that casting, I was completely on board. If Meryl Streep were to play Princess Leia, I will be completely on board. COMPLETELY. Because I believe that there is no one better to recast and play Leia Organa than Streep herself. I think that if they announce Streep will be replacing Fisher, everyone will be alright with it. Even physically they look similar.

HOWEVER. However.

I don't think this is where Disney is going. I think from all indications, Disney will be moving full steam ahead without Carrie Fisher. I think that based on the way JJ Abrams operates, I think that he is going to want it play it safe. That's just his style. You saw with the Force Awakens. And I believe that he's going to operate and run Episode 9 the same way, especially after the backlash with The Last Jedi.

It's a tough situation to be in, and I don't envy Disney at all. We'll see what they do. 

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