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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Top Ten #10 - Predicting First Ten Films of Marvel's Phase 4

Top Ten #10 - Predicting First Ten Films of Marvel's Phase 4

Marvel is chugging full steam ahead towards Infinity War and Avengers 4. Yet, we don't know much about what's coming in the future after the final film in the first saga of Marvel Cinematic Universe Films. We're here to predict what the first 10 films of Marvel Phase 4 will be (and yes, two are confirmed). All dates given have been confirmed by Marvel Studios. 

1. July 5th, 2019 - Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 (confirmed): Let's get the obvious one out of the way. With the massive success of Spider-Man: Homecoming, and the clear win-win situation of the Marvel and Sony collaboration, a sequel was imminent. It was announced that the sequel would be released right after Avengers 4, on July 5th, 2019. Jon Watts returns to direct with Tom Holland a mystery Avenger to accompany him, and apparently, the film will deal with the direct consequences of Infinity War

2. May 1st, 2020 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 (all but confirmed): Another all but confirmed MCU film, Guardians of the Galaxy made its mark in August, but moved the sequel to May where it made over 800 million dollars. James Gunn has said that the film will be released in 2020, and this seems to be the perfect time to release the film. Oh, and please, can we get Mark Hamill in Volume 3? Please? 

3. July 31st, 2020 - Captain America 4: This one is one of them that I am least sure about. I have a feeling that Phase 4 will take time to focus mostly on characters that we are already familiar with as we see so many doors open to sequels and team ups with existing characters. But taking a step back, I did realize that it would make sense to have a core Avenger back. And yes, I think this is Captain America 4, but I also think that this will Bucky's film. I don't think Steve Rogers will make it out of Phase 3, and I believe that Sebastian Stan will take up the mantle. 

4. November 6th, 2020 - Doctor Strange 2: This is one release date that I am fairly confident in. Marvel has a pattern of releasing most sequels about 3 years after the original film's release. There are two November dates in the upcoming slate, and I think that with the massive success and popularity of Doctor Stephen Strange, I believe that he will return, along with Chiwetel Ejiofor for Doctor Strange 2 in November. This is one of the ones I am fairly confident in. 

5. May 7th, 2021 - Black Panther 2: Come May of 2021, we will be about 3 years separated from the massive juggernaut known as Black Panther. I think moving Black Panther to the May spot is a genius move because of how popular it is. Feige and Coogler have said that there are some elementary plans for a sequel, and if your film makes over $1.27 billion dollars, you bet there's going to be a sequel. It'll be curious to see how 

6. July 31st, 2021 - Black Widow: We know that this film is happening, so it's just a matter of knowing when. I think that this is a nice slot to put it in because Black Widow is a well known character and Scarlett Johansson is a strong box office pull. However, because this is the first film in a franchise, it wouldn't be put in a May slot because Marvel typically reserves those for sequels and proven franchises. I think that this will be a huge hit with fans and audiences and will be the standalone Black Widow film we've been waiting for. 

7. November 5th, 2021 - MCU Female Team Movie: Now, with reports late last year of Tessa Thompson and other female heroes of the MCU wanting an all female movie, I believe that Kevin Feige will be completely game for this kind of film. November is as prime of a date to put it because of the relative empty real estate, and I think with star power consisting of the likes of Scarlett Johansson (who would have just had her solo film), Tessa Thompson, Zoe Saldana, and Elizabeth Olsen, this film can be a huge hit and a landmark for female diversity in comic book films. 

8. February 18th, 2022 - X-Men: About time, eh? By this point, I think Disney and Fox's deal would have gone through and by 2020, an X-Men film would be in production. That means that it would make complete logical sense to put an X-Men film in 2022, where we can be reintroduced to all our favorite characters. 

9. May 6th, 2022 - Avengers 5: You may have been wondering why I put the previous films in those places. I think up to Black Panther 2, it's fairly obvious where they would fit in. However, what the genius of Marvel is (should they go through with this schedule) is that they're heavily building towards whatever Avengers 5 is. You have the Black Widow movie which leads directly into the female lead team movie. Then you have the X-Men film. So what you have are heroes like Bucky (Captain America), Spider-Man, Captain Marvel (somewhere in space), Black Panther, Doctor Strange, the Guardians, the X-Men, and the female heroines all gearing up for whatever Avengers 5 is. It's brilliant if you think about it. 

10. July 29th, 2022 - Captain Marvel 2: I guess this technically wouldn't be part of Phase 4, but this is Top 10, so we'll include this. I think that after her solo film this February and after seeing her in Infinity War (maybe), Avengers 4, and maybe even Guardians 3, fans will grow to love Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. It would make complete sense for her to kick off what would be Phase 5, and the 32nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

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