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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Aquaman - Official Trailer Review (SDCC)

Aquaman - Official Trailer Review (SDCC)

The first trailer for Aquaman has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: A lot was riding on this film's first trailer. This could potentially be the film that sinks or floats (no pun intended) the DCEU, or Worlds of DC as it is now rebranded. And to their credit, as per usual, DC put out a very solid trailer. 

It is worth noting that DC has a history of putting out great trailers for movies that I personally found unpleasant to watch, i.e. Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman. However, if we're just judging the trailer on its own merit, it is a very solid trailer. 

Atlantis, though a little CGI for my taste, does look beautiful. The way they dealt with the underwater setting seems very real and very tangible, like a real place that would exist underwater. Momoa, as he was in Justice League, was fine, as he had been. I thought that his performance was acceptable and I see nothing that has really changed in between films. The supporting cast for the most part looks great, especially Nicole Kidman.

And finally, to cap off the positives, the tone of the trailer is excellent. It is urgent, it is darker, but still light at the same time, with a sense of real stakes, something that the DCEU has lacked in previous films.

That being said, I do have some issues. Firstly, the dialogue is awful. Momoa is portrayed as a fifteen year old punk, and I can't say I'm a huge fan. And almost everything that comes out of Amber Heard's mouth is exposition mumbo-jumbo that makes me roll my eyes. Also, some of the CGI does look a little clunky for my taste, and the CGI at the end with the huge armies does not look appealing IN THE SLIGHTEST. I don't know that I'd want to see a ton of red and blue lasers firing across a bunch of sharks. 

Did it Raise Excitement? It did; I do have faith that this film will be better than the previous films, not counting Wonder Woman. But I'm still slightly hesitant. 

Trailer Rating: 8.5/10

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