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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Glass - Teaser Trailer Review (SDCC)

Glass - Teaser Trailer Review (SDCC)

The first teaser for Glass has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: I had heard many things about the film, and having known the reputation of M. Night, I knew that I was going to see something unique and interesting at the vey least, whether atrocious or masterful.

This trailer is very good. That much I do know. While I didn't get a lot of "Wow!" moments from the first teaser, there was enough there that warranted me to get the blood flowing. The moment when all three of them were sitting down in front of the psychiatrist was chilling.

I will say that as someone who has no previous knowledge of the franchise, or very minimal at the very least, I did think the trailer did a great job at filling me in on the happenings in the previous films. That being said, I do feel that the front end of the trailer is much better than the latter half, which is just a blur of images that go by very quickly. But overall, very solid. 

Did it Raise Excitement? I believe it did. While I am one of the people who hasn't seen either Split or Unbreakable, I will admit that after hearing the huge buzz behind both of these films, this trailer did make me excited for the film. 

Trailer Rating: 8/10

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