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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Avengers: Endgame - Trailer 1 Review

Avengers: Endgame - Trailer 1 Review

The first trailer for Avengers: Endgame has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: This is it. Part of the journey is the end. The trailer for the fourth installment in the Avengers franchise and the last in the 22 film saga of films has come. 

Wow is it depressing.

The trailer spares no expense, and essentially uses all two minutes of it to show how beaten up the Avengers are after their loss to Thanos. The first minute or so is Tony Stark floating around in space, dying of lack of oxygen and food and water. We cut back to Steve and Natasha, with the rest of the Avengers hanging about, looking sad and moody.

But hey, at least Hawkeye's back. And he's back with a vengeance. It looks like he has taken up the mantle of Ronin and is in Japan, killing everyone in his path. You can see all the dead bodies in his wake as he cleans his sword on his sleeve. 

You also get a couple shots of Thanos, or at least his armor and his hand. Cap's beard has also been decimated with the rest of half of the universe. And he's wearing the stealth suit again. But other than that, there's almost nothing that this trailer reveals to us about the actual story. 

Some have even suggested that all the scenes in the trailer may not even be in the movie at all. And perhaps they're right; a lot of these scenes are simply showing the aftermath of Infinity War. We'll just have to wait and see.

Did it Raise Excitement? My excitement for this film is at peak level and will not go down. So, not it didn't quite raise my excitement, but it didn't lower it either. It wasn't blow me away good like the second Infinity War trailer was, but it was good enough to satiate me until March, when they're presumably going to release another one of these. April cannot come sooner enough. 

Trailer Rating: 9.5/10

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