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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Top Ten #12 - Top 10 Anticipated Movies of 2019

Top Ten #12 - Top 10 Most Anticipated Films of 2019

As big as 2018 was for major tentpole movies, 2019 promises to explode with the amount of big-budget films set to steal the silver screen. This is my list of my top 10 most anticipated films of 2019, 100 percent subjective. Disney is going to have a huge year.

10. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part: Back in 2014, I had no idea what to make of a "Lego" Movie. I thought that the trailers looked absolutely absurd, and I dismissed the concept as soon as the first teaser ended. But fate willed it so, and I ended up in the theater to see the first film. And it turns out that it was one of the best films that entire year. I enjoyed almost every second of the movie, its self-aware humor and the pure joy that it radiated. And now we have a sequel, coming February 2019. While that in itself could be a red flag (studios usually dump their garbage films in February), the trend has been releasing more tentpole films in February (Black Panther, Deadpool). The directors have changed as well, from Phil Lord and Chris Miller to Mike Mitchell, but the trailers have indicated a similar tone to the first film. And yes, I dislike these trailers extremely yet again, but in a strange way, that comforts me, because if last time was any indication, I'm in for a fun ride.  

9. X-Men: Dark Phoenix: Granted, there has been an exorbitant amount of drama associated with this film. And yes, the trailer has looked very underwhelming and a lot like X-Men: The Last Stand. BUT, with the recent success of the X-Men franchise (Logan, my favorite movie of all time, Deadpool 2, Deadpool, etc), I think that there is potential for this film to be good. I don't know, and I have a very bad feeling that this movie could be a huge dud, but or the moment, based on the pure good will of the franchise, it makes the list at number 9.

8. Dumbo: Who asked for a Dumbo live-action remake? Out of all the intellectual property, and Dumbo gets picked to be made, no less directed by Tim Burton? I had absolutely zero interest in the film, UNTIL I saw the second trailer. The second trailer blew me away. The heart, sentiment, the emotion that was conveyed in those two minutes was astounding. I was floored. The CGI elephant looks fine, for what its worth, and even the shots that it doesn't look realistic, I was able to overlook. Just like how I was feeling bad about Dark Phoenix, I have a very good feeling about this film. 

7. Joker: This is a gamble. This film is intriguing, to say the least. The idea that DC would let a director go off on his own and make a film that isn't attached to the current continuity is something that I respect. But, how much do we really need to know about Joker's past? A man named Arthur Fleck, as they've said. Additionally, I'm not too hot on the makeup. It really looks like someone tried to cosplay as Heath Ledger, and maybe that was the intention, but it comes off as cheap. Yet, despite all of that, there's this level of intrigue and curiosity that I have about the movie, that I can't help but want to see it. What will this film be? And what will it mean for the genre as a whole?

6. It: Chapter 2: Nobody saw the massive success, both critically, but especially financially from the first It film. And now the cast of the young Loser's club, as well as their older counterparts are back. Bill Skarsgard returns to terrorize the group as Pennywise, and I'm so interested to see what's going to come of this. Because the novel takes some odd and wacky turns, but it looks to me that the film might deviate a little bit and go in different directions. 

5. Captain Marvel: The first MCU film to be released, it should not be overshadowed simply because of its significance. This is the first solo film led by a female in the MCU, following the team-up between Ant-Man and the Wasp. The story will take Carol Danvers and the MCU to new heights; I'm excited purely on the merit that it's an MCU film, but more importantly, what the implications will be for the next Avengers film. While this is both a good and bad thing, seeing as the film itself may be overlooked, I will definitely be there opening night. 

4. Spider-Man: Far From Home: Spider-Man: Homecoming is still, to this day, one of my favorite MCU films. It has heart, warmth, energy, and a youthful vibe that you really can't find from any other MCU film. And Spider-Man: Far From Home looks to capitalize on that, sending Spidey off to Europe to fight against/with Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio. This is a film that I can't wait to see, especially after Avengers: Infinity War and presumably Avengers: Endgame. 

3. Star Wars: Episode 9: Yes, The Last Jedi is not my favorite Star Wars film by far. And yes, I think I would prefer watching Revenge of the Sith more than Solo. But still. It's a Star Wars film. JJ Abrams is back to direct. I think that should say enough. I'm going to be there opening night, and I know that whatever happens, my love for the Star Wars films will never die. 

2. The Lion King: Surprise; something dethroned Star Wars and Marvel and made it to number 2 (not-surprise - it's Disney). I was excited for this film the second it was announced. And when word came out of D23 at how spectacular the footage was, I was even more excited. So when the first trailer came, my excitement level went through the roof. I am so, so, so incredibly excited to see what Jon Favreau has in store, and I'm positive that this film is going to be a smash hit, almost guaranteed. 

1. Avengers: Endgame: Who would've guessed? If there was any one film that I could see for the rest of my life and nothing else, it would be this one, and I haven't even seen it. But I know that the Russos know exactly what they're doing, and from all accounts, Endgame is going to close out this era of the MCU with a bang. I'm so excited to see these characters back and to see what's going to happen to them; and it's only 4 months away. 

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