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Friday, December 21, 2018

Top Ten #13 - Predicting Top 10 Grossing Movies of 2019 (Worldwide)

Top Ten #13 - Predicting Top 10 Grossing Movies of 2019 (Worldwide)

2018 is coming to a close, and the box office has found some massive blockbusters, as well as buried some seemingly sure-fire hits. 2019 promises to be no exception to the fickle nature of the audience. Which movies will cross the billion-dollar club? Which movies will fall short? This is my predictive list of the top 10 grossing films, worldwide, that will dominate the box office come 2019. 

10. Dumbo ($590 Million): I don't think anyone is going to see this film coming. Dumbo isn't really a film that everyone was asking for, and because of that, it's not going to do huge a the box office. But I think that at the end of the day, Dumbo is going to be a sleeper-hit for Disney (yes, those still do exist for the Mouse House) and will make just short of 600 million. 

9. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part ($700 Million): Granted, the first Lego Movie only made about 450 million, but it was undoubtedly one of the best animated movies of the year. I think we can attribute its relative lack of success to the fact that NO ONE saw it coming. But we all see the trailers and promos for this one; I think, especially dropping February, this one has the potential to be huge at the box office.

8. Aladdin (2019) ($750 Million): Out of three Disney live-action remakes that are coming out this year, we know which one will make huge amounts of money. But between Dumbo and Aladdin, it was close. I put Aladdin higher on the list simply because I think it will be more recognizable than Dumbo. It's all about putting people in the theater to see it; I think this film will have a wider international appeal with non-white leads, and I think that it comes out at a more opportune time, coming out at the beginning of summer. But this one's a wild card; look for the critical reception. That will really determine how well this film does. 

7. Captain Marvel ($930 Million): Captain Marvel sees the introduction of one of the most powerful heroes in the MCU in Carol Danvers. This film, much like Wonder Woman, is going to be huge simply based on the merit that it' a female-led superhero film. The audience is there; Black Panther similarly did well because it was representing an audience. And on top of that, I believe the film will be critically well received as well. Kevin Feige seems to have a lot of confidence in this movie. I do, too. 

6. Spider-Man: Far From Home ($960 Million): There's no denying there's a huge fanbase for Spider-Man, my personal favorite Avenger and comic-book character. Spider-Man: Homecoming was hugely successful, and Far From Home looks to take advantage of the excitement from Avengers: Endgame as well as Tom Holland's excellent performance to boost itself close to the billion dollar mark. It's going to get close, but it's going to just barely miss the mark. 

5. Toy Story 4 ($1 Billion): I struggled with this one, I really did. I know for a fact this is going to be in the top 10, but I didn't know where. Toy Story 3 made a billion dollars, and I think ultimately Toy Story 4 has the power to do the same. Being in the number 5 spot usually means I think this is a guaranteed win, but I have no idea. This film could bomb depending on the critical reception. But I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to the fans; I think that there are enough people who want to see the movie (me not included) that will come out and support it. It's going to be big, as long as it can prove why it needs to exist in the first place. 

4. Frozen 2 ($1.4 Billion): Another Disney animated film, this is one is a SURE hit. It doesn't matter if it has a 5 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. The kids who saw the first one and were obsessed with it are going to force their parents to take them to the sequel. There is almost no conceivable way this film doesn't make a billion dollars. And I'm going to take it a step further and say it's going to near 1.5. Not quite 1.5, but very close. This film is going to be enormous; look out for it. 

3. Star Wars: Episode 9 ($1.6 Billion): Who would ever think that a Star Wars film wouldn't be number one, or at least number two? Number three is nothing to scoff at; it's going to make over a billion, almost guaranteed (even though Solo did it no favors). But coming off the back of a mediocre film, and then an extremely divisive one before it, this film has a tall order. But I think they brought on the right director in JJ Abrams returning to the franchise, and I think he's going to play it safe, while also expanding the universe a little more than he did with Episode 7. I think that's what fans want right now, and that's exactly what he's going to give them. I think this film will be good, a good bookend, and a financial hit. 

2. The Lion King ($1.8 Billion): Here comes the king. The Lion King is going to be insanely successful. It's coming out in the middle of the summer, during prime-time, and it's going to explode. The amount of people that are nostalgic for something like this is absolutely insane is incredible. Not to mention that the trailers and promotional material have looked absolutely magnificent. This film is going to be big; don't be surprised if it touches 2 billion. I wouldn't be. 

1. Avengers: Endgame ($2.2  Billion): But of course, if ever there was a certainty, it was this movie making over two billion dollars. Who cares if the film has a 0 percent on Rotten Tomatoes? I'd still go to see it, and I think millions of others would as well. But it won't, and this film will be massive. Absolutely insanely massive. This could topple Avatar as the highest grossing film of all time. It probably won't, and I'm not planning on it. But - it's possible. Anything is possible with a film that has this much hype. 

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