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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Top Ten #14 - Predicting the Rotten Tomatoes Scores for my Top Ten Most Anticipated Films of 2019

Top Ten #14 - Predicting the Rotten Tomatoes Scores for my Top Ten Most Anticipated Films of 2019

While Rotten Tomatoes may not always be the best indicator of how good a film is, it usually hits the mark as to how many critics enjoyed the film. It shows the general audience generally how good it will be, although it is not the metric. So today, I'm predicting the final Rotten Tomatoes scores for my top 10 most anticipated films of 2019.

10. The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part - 64 Percent - The first LEGO movie, despite not making huge amounts of money, was a huge critical success. Nobody saw this movie coming, and the first film scored a whopping 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. With that in mind, I do think that while this film looks like a great deal of fun, and it will be to kids, to critics, I don't think it will fare as well. Something about the trailers doesn't have the same heart that the first film did. Just a gut feeling, perhaps, intuition maybe, but I don't believe this film will be nearly as critically successful as the last one. I hope to be proven wrong. 

9. X-Men: Dark Phoenix - 31 Percent - Another potential dud, I do not have a good feeling about this. I am looking forward to it purely based on the merit that it's an X-Men film. But I don't think it's going to be good. Simon Kinberg has not proven himself yet. No offense to Sophie Turner, but her acting in Apocalypse as almost as wooden as Hayden Christiansen in the prequels, and it doesn't look any better in the new trailer. And the trailer seems way, way too similar to The Last Stand for my liking. To be fair to the Last Stand, it garnered a mediocre 58 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, but to be frank, our standards were much lower for comic book films back then. I don't think this film's going to fare well at all. 

8. Dumbo - 87 Percent - On the opposite side of the spectrum, this film really doesn't have any right to be as good as my predicted Rotten Tomatoes score is. I think that the trailers have been absolutely phenomenal and have personally hit me in a very emotional spot that I don't think a lot of trailers can do, other than for movies like Avengers or Star Wars. So to see a trailer for a film that I was not exited for at all, Dumbo, do something like that, is a good sign to me. I think this could be one of Disney's biggest surprises all year.  

7. Joker - 80 Percent - There are naysayers. There will always be naysayers. I am not one of them. I am fascinated to see where this is going to go. This film has a big hill to climb. Anything associated with the Joker is a scary endeavor because of how good of a job Heath Ledger did. But I think if anyone has the chops to level with him, it's someone like Joaquin Phoenix. And while there will probably be naysayers when the film comes out, the majority of the people will enjoy it. 

6. It: Chapter 2 - 85 Percent - I'm going to play it safe with this prediction. I think that this film will be about as good as the first one, which is perfectly fine with me. I thought the first film was excellent. With the addition of the adult cast, I think this film has the potential to be something more than the first one, but it could also do worse because of the film's ambition. So I'm putting it right at the first films's level - 85 percent. 

5. Captain Marvel - 92 Percent - It's going to be a big year for Marvel. At this point, i don't know when the next Marvel film will come out that will be less than 80 percent. I doubt it will be this one. Kevin Feige has expressed extreme confidence in his movie and I think with this being one of the first female-led MCU films, it will receive a little bump (it exists; Black Panther got 97 percent on RT even though I don't believe it was that good). So I think that while the film may be represented in actuality at around 82-85 percent it's going to reach the 90s. 

4. Spider-Man: Far From Home - 90 Percent - Here's an interesting film. How are critics going to take it after Avengers: Endgame? However, I think Jon Watts has an extremely good grip on the Spider-Man character, and to boot, he's a great collaborator by all accounts. I think that he and Marvel, as well as Sony, get along very well. This is going to be a good film; the question is - how are critics going to take it?

3. Star Wars. Episode 9 - 90 Percent - No matter how divisive this film is amongst fans, this film is going to score well among the critics. I can almost guarantee it. Star Wars films have a track record of scoring better than I think they should, and much higher than fans indicate. The Last Jedi, for as divisive as it was, scored a 91 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and that was WITH all the drama and controversy. Even the prequels scored above 50 percent. With JJ Abrams looking to steer the franchise back on track, I believe that this film will do well on Rotten Tomatoes. 

2. The Lion King - 98 Percent - I'm going big on this one. The animated Lion King is hailed as one of Disney's best animated films ever. And if Jon Favreau is able to make a film to the caliber of The Jungle Book with the story of The Lion King, I think we have a big hit on our hands. I think this will be one of the most lucrative and critically successful live-action Disney remakes ever. Period. 

1. Avengers: Endgame - 90 Percent - I was considering putting 89 percent. I think that while most of the fans will think this is a great film, and this is a film largely for the fans and not for critics, I think that this film will do slightly better than the low 80s the Avengers: Infinity War scored. It largely won't matter, because the film will make 2 billion dollars either way, but still. It doesn't hurt to make a prediction. 

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