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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Top Ten #16 - Top Ten Wishes for Avengers: Endgame

Top Ten #16 - Top Ten Wishes for Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame promises intrigue, surprises, action, heart, and most of all, a satisfying ending. And there are things that I want to see. So, in no particular order, here are 10 things that I really would love to see in Avengers: Endgame.

1. Some Villains Return: There are rumors that villains be returning to the MCU come April of 2018. If that's so, sign me up. Yes, I admit that I don't enjoy a lot of the MCU villains. But I will admit; seeing a lot of them back onscreen to face their counterparts one last time would be incredible. Seeing Hela again face off either against Thor or with Thor would one of the coolest things. Or how about seeing Ego and Peter team up? Maybe Hulk and Abomination? The possibilities are endless. 

2. Red Skull vs. Captain America: On that train of thought, would it not be amazing to see another rematch of Red Skull versus Captain America? I think Infinity War clearly sets this up; there's not much other reason to include Red Skull other than to have him meet Cap again. I believe that Cap will head to Vormir to get the Soul Stone, and there, he will meet his old foe. And then, the rematch of the century. 

3. A Recreation of the Original Avengers Shot: I think the picture below explains it all. Would that not be incredible?

4. A Massive, Entire-MCU Shot: On that note, the Russos and other actors have confirmed that there is a shot with all the Avengers together in one shot, including Michael Douglas and Samuel L. Jackson. I just hope that this shot is everything that we hope it can be. It better be poster-worthy. 

5. Captain America Wielding Mjolnir/Stormbreaker: This is a personal wish, but I always wanted to see Cap wield Mjolnir. I think that after everything he's been through, I think the universe will deem him worthy. And when it comes time to battle the Mad Titan again, if Cap should ever pick up the hammer (I include Mjolnir because maybe through time travel it will reappear) I hope that he will wield it against Thanos. 

6. Thanos with a New Threat: I think that while Thanos has had his due, it was so great seeing him on screen for an entire movie, that I believe he deserves more time. But after the beating he received last time around, I think adding a new threat to the puzzle would add to the competition for the Avengers. New threats have been teased - let's see whose side Thanos ends up on. 

7. Revisiting Old Movies (A Lot of Them): We know that somehow, through time travel or through BARF, we're heading back to old movies. My wish is that we visit a lot of them. And I mean a lot. As in - Civil War, GOTG 1, GOTG 2, Doctor Strange, Infinity War, Avengers, Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man, to name a few. The MCU spans 22 movies after all - and what a fitting way to close it out than to revisit the past. 

8. Give Steve and Tony the End They Deserve: The majority of Infinity War spent its time with Tony Stark. Let's spend some time with Steve Rogers in A4. And on top of that, we know that both of these characters will reach their conclusion, whether through death or not. But I hope that the Russos found a way to end their main stories in a way that is satisfying and emotional. 

9. If You're Going to Kill Someone - Do It Right: And on that note - the deaths in this film are going to mean something. It's not like Infinity War where we know everyone's coming back. No, we know that once someone dies in A4, it will most likely be for good. So if the Russos are going to kill someone - they better do it right. 

10. Surprise Me: But above all, I think one of the most important things that the Russos can get right is to surprise us. We seem to know a lot about the movie, and yet nothing at all - let's be surprised. Russos, show us what you can do. Show us how it's done and show us how to close out 22 films in style. 

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