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Monday, December 24, 2018

Top Ten #17 - Top Ten Characters Most Likely to Die in Avengers: Endgame

Top Ten #17 - Top Ten Characters Most Likely to Die in Avengers: Endgame

As Avengers: Infinity War drew closer and closer, I began to wonder if there would be any permanent deaths come April of 2018, considering the then-untitled Avengers: Endgame was on the way to wrap up the series. And while three characters presumably have passed on for good (Loki, Gamora, Vision), it's time to set our sights on Avengers: Endgame. If ever there was a film that was going to permanently kill off some of our favorite characters, this was it. This is my predictive list of the top 10 characters most likely to die come April 2019.

10. Falcon: There's only room enough for one of Captain America's sidekicks to take the mantle. Personally, while I do believe that both Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie work great as a duo, and as members of Team Cap, I don't see both of them making it out of this one alive. I believe that one will stay to take on the legacy of Captain America, and another will bite the dust (no pun intended), and Stan is already locked into an extensive contract. No telling what will happen, but if I had to bet one of Steve's friends would be defeated in the war against Thanos, Sam Wilson is my guy. 

9. Captain America: Many would put Steve Rogers at the top of their list. It seems obvious; Steve Rogers making the noble sacrifice to protect the Avengers and perhaps destroy an infinity stone. Except, the word sacrifice doesn't necessarily constitute death. I think Rogers will make the biggest sacrifice of them all, but it won't be his life. I think he'll somehow end up in the past again. The fan theory has been floated around, but it makes too much narrative sense for me to ignore. Marvel is all about character arcs, and I think that closing out Steve's arc back in 1945 where it began would be more than fitting. THAT BEING SAID, there is a better chance than most that Steve bites it in this film, so he's number 9.

8. Hank Pym: Sooner or later, the mentor figure has to go. I think Pym has been a back-burner character in the MCU thus far, so to speak. If Marvel wishes to explore his comic book stories and go in depth on his younger days, they can perhaps do that on their streaming service on a TV show. But I have reason to believe that Hank Pym (yes, he is in the movie) is going to be very important. He has the key to quantum technology and once the Avengers can resurrect him, or find a way to go back in time to meet him, I believe he can be one of the keys to stopping Thanos. Which means he's going to be directly in the line of fire. 

7. Iron Man: Again, I believe the MCU is all about arcs. And I think it would make more than a lot of sense, especially with what they've set up with Pepper Potts, to end the entire 22-film saga on a Tony Stark and Pepper Potts wedding. That's where it all began, and that's where it can end. But, Tony is in direct opposition of Thanos, and almost died in Infinity War. I have a feeling that this time around, if Tony isn't ready, Thanos isn't going to think twice about going right through him.

6. Mantis: Mantis is a very disposable character. I was so impressed that Gunn and the Russos were able to make use of her character in GOTG 2 and Infinity War, because Klementieff doesn't really add much to the MCU as a whole. It would be an easy character to quickly kill off that wouldn't mean that much to the fans, nor to the future of the MCU as a whole, but would provide sufficient motivation to the Guardians in the final fight. 

5. Black Widow: I understand that Black Widow has her own solo film coming up, but I also believe that it will primarily take place in the past. And that means that Natasha Romanoff's fate is largely in question. I think this could be what pushes Bruce out of his dormant state and is what ultimately motivates him to fight Thanos once more. She's been here since Iron Man 2, and even if she dies, she'll be here in Phase 4 as well. 

4. The Hulk: Not Bruce Banner. The Hulk. Ruffalo and Kevin Feige have been on record saying that the Hulk has a three movie arc, beginning with Thor: Ragnarok, and ending with Avengers: Endgame. At the heart of the story, if you really think about it, the Hulk's story has been about control over the host. In Ragnarok, Banner let the Hulk take control mostly. In Infinity War, Bruce was in control. So it makes perfect sense that the Hulk and Banner will now co-exist as one in the MCU in Endgame. But I don't think this will last. I think somehow, the Hulk will split off from Banner and will die at the hands of Thanos. Banner will survive into Phase 4. But perhaps it's time to wish the Green Goliath farewell. 

3. Thanos: MCU villains don't last long. So the fact that Thanos not only survived his debut (full-length film debut) but also won the entire movie was something spectacular. But, Thanos is closing out the MCU as we know it. And it doesn't make much sense at all for him to survive into Phase 4. His story is largely going to be over after Endgame and while I love Brolin in the role, it makes sense to reset the MCU after Endgame

2. Nebula: Who has the biggest grudge and the most to prove against the Mad Titan? Nebula. Karen Gillan has made it clear that she's going to be dealing with this through the entirety of Avengers: Endgame and I believe that she will be the ultimate sacrifice when it comes to stopping Thanos. This would ultimately complete her arc and redeem her from pure villain to noble hero. 

1. Drax the Destroyer: Dave Bautista wants out. This has less to do with the character and more to do with the actor. Bautista has made it abundantly clear that he wants out of the MCU after the Gunn fiasco. And besides, his character has been getting stale. He's been relegated to telling jokes, which, granted, are hilarious, but he really hasn't lived up to the "destroyer" part of his name. I don't think he's making it alive out of Endgame and I think that's going to be the best for both sides. 

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