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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Top Ten #2 - Top Ten Anticipated Justice League Characters

Top Ten #2 - Top Ten Anticipated Justice League Characters

With Wonder Woman hitting theaters this weekend, I thought it was time to take a look ahead to DC's next film, Justice League, and rank which characters I am most looking forward to. Note: A) This is 100 percent subjective and my own thoughts. B) I am going based on both intrigue of the character, and intrigue of the actor portraying him. Let's get started.

10. Lois Lane: Although Lois doesn't have a significant role in the DC films, albeit a side plot with bullets in Africa, her role could actually be very interesting because of Superman. We see her in the Justice League trailer looking at something off in the distance, but we don't know what. What could her role be? With Superman gone, what is she doing?

9. Lex Luthor: Ring-ding-ding-ding. He's back again for Justice League. And he'll start the film in a prison cell presumably unless he's broken out in-between. Now what's interesting about Lex is his connection to Steppenwolf. He was seen in a deleted scene summoning Steppenwolf, who then vanished. What does this mean? On the other hand, it'll also be interesting to see what Jesse Eisenberg does with his performance, which was critically panned the last time around. Will he turn it around or keep on with the same antics?

8. Cyborg: This is a character, that while interesting on the surface, seems the least developed and the least focused on in the trailers and marketing. His cameo scene in Batman v. Superman was lackluster, and what we see of him in the Justice League trailers is minimal. Also, the CGI does not look good at all. That being said, there could be a lot explored with his character as he moves forward because of his connections to Motherboxes.

7. Aquaman: The King of Atlantis will make his official major role debut in the Justice League film. He and Amber Heard will lead the charge as Atlantians make the splash onto the big screen. The marketing seems to be focusing heavily on him, as the first teaser shows his and Bruce Wayne's confrontation. It looks like he will be receiving the most development ahead of his solo film, Aquaman.

6. Steppenwolf: This is a villain that no one saw coming for the film. Played by Ciaran Hinds, this character has a lot of intrigue about him as no one really knows what to expect other than he will bring an army of parademons. In a way, this character's intrigue revolves around the fact that we know nothing about him, other than that he is Darkseid's uncle.

5. Flash: A quick scene in the Justice League trailer shows that this character is going to be developed further than we had thought, as his father is shown in a prison cell, talking to Barry on the other side of the glass. It looks like Ezra Miller's Flash is going to be the heart, soul, and humor of the team, and Ezra Miller being cast seemed odd at first, but looking at the trailers, looks like a good fit. 

4. Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman, who would have initially been much lower on the list, moves up to number four because of how much praise the Wonder Woman film is receiving. Gal Gadot, while not universally praised for her performance, was good enough and was excellent in her action sequences, which makes me even more excited to see where she will go in Justice League.

3. Commissioner Gordon: Here's a brilliant casting movie. JK Simmons as the Commissioner. On the heels of Gary Oldman's brilliant performance in the Dark Knight trilogy, it was hard to imagine anyone else in the role. A couple years, a casting announcement, and a beefed up JK Simmons later, and we have ourselves what looks to be another iconic interaction of the character. 

2. Batman: Ben Affleck, who could not have been more criticized following his casting announcement, has now been crowned by some as the best Batman on film today. It'll be interesting to see where his mentality is after Batman v. Superman and before The Batman. 

1. Superman: This is the biggest mystery of the film. Where is Superman going to fit in? We know from a news story a couple days ago that he is going to be in the film as he was in the promo art, but when and where will he appear? Will he be good, evil, what's going to happen?

All will be revealed when Justice League hits theaters.

Justice League opens on November 17th, 2017. It stars Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Ezra Miller, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, JK Simmons, Jeremy Irons, and Ciaran Hinds. Fueld by his restore faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's (Henry Cavill) selfless act, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) enlists newfound ally Diana Prince to face an even greater threat. Tougher, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy. Despite the formation of an unprecedented league of heroes -- Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash -- it may be too late to save the plant from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

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