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Monday, April 15, 2019

Aladdin - Official Trailer Review

Aladdin - Official Trailer Review

The Official trailer for Aladdin has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: Consistently inconsistent. That's the only phrases I can use to describe the marketing of this film. I've said it before on other trailer reviews for Aladdin but I will continue to hammer the point home. I am so frustrated because I know that there is a great film buried in under terrible marketing.

Someone needs to fix the trailer editing crew for this movie, because they clearly don't know how to edit a trailer. The trailer jumps from street-level action, to a fantastical cave, to the Genie rapping? To the A Whole New World? The trailer would've felt inconsistent if they had only picked two of those element, much less ALL of them.

But poor editing aside, let's focus on what I liked from this trailer, because there's quite a bit, actually. First of all, the new iteration of a Whole New World sounds fantastic. Naomi Scott and Mena Massoud sound absolutely brilliant, at least in the short clip that we got. This could be one of the best "re-singings" of a classic Disney song in the modern age. It sounds beautiful, and true to the original, while still being unique.

The visual style seems consistent to the magical whim of the original as well. We see Aladdin running through the streets, and he really does feel like an "urchin" for lack of a better word. He seems like he's lived in these streets and has been ravaging around for awhile, which is very consistent with what his character is. 

For what it's worth, I've been saying that I didn't mind Will Smith's Genie. He doesn't exactly strike me as anything great; it's Will Smith painted blue. But I think he's different enough and has enough charisma (Will Smith has enough charisma to carry almost any film), and I think he's going to work. As for the two leads, I'm not completely sold on either. I think both will be fine, but I don't think either will be a standout. But I think they're both going to be fine.

As for Jafar, I still don't know what to make of that voice. I think the look is nearly perfect. That is one thing that this film has for it; the look of all these characters are spot-on. But that doesn't mean anything if the character themselves don't live up to their predecessors. 

It's a little too late for this movie at this point, but I wish that this movie's marketing would have pulled something out at the last second and given us a trailer that was consistently consistent. As it stands, I will go watch this movie and I think it will be great; I'm very much looking forward to it. But I have a feeling not many others will. 

Did it Raise Excitement? This trailer did nothing to change my opinion on this film. I don't think much can at this point. But that's okay - I'm going to go see it no matter what. 

Trailer Rating: 5.5/10

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