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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Captain Marvel - What Do the Post-Credits Scenes Mean?

Captain Marvel - What Do the Post-Credits Scenes Mean?


Captain Marvel is making news at the box office, mashing all kinds of records, as we head closer and closer to Avengers: Endgame. And, as with all Marvel films, Captain Marvel has a couple of credits scenes following the ending of the film. Let's break them down, looking at what they each mean for the MCU moving forward as well as for Captain Marvel. 

Mid-Credits Scene

This could quite possibly be one of the best credits scenes in the entirety of the MCU. We open the scene with the Avengers staring at some monitors. We see Steve, Banner, and Natasha, as they look at the number of the dead increasing by the second. Rhodey comes in from another room and tells them that they have to see something. They go to the room and we see Nick Fury's pager, first seen in the end-credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War. It's shut off. They begin discussing how to reboot the pager, with Natasha responding that if Fury thought it was important, then it must be important. She turns around and boom, Carol Danvers is standing right in front of her. "Where's Fury?" she says coldly, and the screen fades to black.

There are a few interesting notes and points to be taken from this quick scene. Does it take place during Avengers: Endgame? Or before? It would be an interesting move if this scene took place before Avengers: Endgame. What would the reaction be of those who hadn't seen Captain Marvel and have no idea who she is? Would they be able to accept her quickly? It's hard to say. I could easily see this being one of the first scenes of the film as well.

But there are a few other things that throw the timeline off - Steve Rogers still has his beard. As far as I know, this is the only time in any of the marketing material for Avengers: Endgame that Steve has his beard. This lends to the theory that this scene takes place before Endgame. Natasha also has her blonde hair. So regardless of when this takes place, we know that Carol Danvers will be in most of Endgame UNLESS the Russos are taking liberties and using CGI to throw us off again. This isn't that likely though, because the Avengers are shown counting the dead. It looks like it would take place right after Avengers: Infinity War.

It's also interesting to note that Carol Danvers looks older. Her suit is different, with a few more gold streaks lining the outside of the suit. Her hair is straight now, and she has tis maturity about her. It could be a sign of her adventures that she went on. 

And how did the Avengers get the pager? This probably isn't important, but it's interesting to note that the Avengers returned to New York and found the pager between Infinity War and Endgame.

Regardless, seeing the Avengers with Captain Marvel is only helping to increase the excitement for the upcoming film. All questions will be answered in just a couple weeks. 

Post Credits Scene

This scene is not much of anything. We see Goose, back in Fury's office. It looks like Fury's office relatively close to the events of Captain Marvel, with a 90's style monitor on the desk. He pauses for a moment, before beginning to choke, as most cats often do with hairballs. But instead of coughing up a hairball, Goose coughs up the Tesseract. 

So what does this mean? Not much. It ties up a couple of loose ends. How did the Tesseract get from Goose's stomach to Project Pegasus again at the beginning of The Avengers? Goose spit it up at some point and gave it to Fury. 

Now this does bring up another interesting point; assuming that this scene takes place a little after Captain Marvel and not knowing the lifespan of a Flerken, what if Goose shows up in Avengers: Endgame? It's an abstract theory, but what if Carol goes back to look for Fury and she finds Goose? Who knows? Anything's possible. 

Captain Marvel is in theaters right now. Avengers: Endgame will hit theaters on April 26th, 2019. 

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