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Monday, April 15, 2019

Shazam - Trailer 2 Review

Shazam! - Trailer 2 Review

The second trailer for Shazam! has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: As some of you may know, I did not like the first trailer for Shazam! at all. I thought it was cheesy, corny, over-the-top (in a very bad way) and presented this movie a joke. I know that the film was going for a lighter tone, but when I sat down to watch the first trailer, I was thoroughly underwhelmed. Especially with the "trying to be relatable" vibe, I was not in at all. As a reviewer and a pundit of these big budget films, I knew that I would have to watch it. But I was not looking forward to it.

What was interesting was that no major pieces of marketing came out for a long, long while. So I was stuck with the first trailer for a good three or four months. And that didn't help either. But then, out of the blue, we were hit with the news that the critics had seen the film and they absolutely loved it. That peaked my interest. Then, Warner Bros. announced they would be showing the film early. So the general public got to go see the film a little early, and THEY absolutely loved it.

Around the same time, they dropped this trailer. And now I'm sold. While this trailer does retain a lot of the "corny" elements of the first trailer, it also has a warmer tone, and a lighter tone, fully embracing Zachary Levi's character. I felt the first trailer was dipping its toe in, to try to gauge where the audience was after the disappointing Justice League. But this trailer goes for it, and more power to it. (I still hoping Zachary Levi flossing isn't part of the film, but what do I know? Maybe it'll be the funniest scene).

The trailer shows much of the same beats from the last one, where we see Billy Badson getting his powers and becoming the superhero he always wanted to be. And for the first time in any of the marketing for the film, I laughed audibly when seeing the trailer for the first time. I thought the gag where Shazam is at the store and throws an action figure of Batman at the villain was genuinely funny. And the gag at the end where he tries to leap over the tall building did put a grin on my face as well.

Let's be clear; my expectations are still not through the roof for the movie. The only thing holding it up was the critical reception, and now this trailer. But after hearing the positive buzz, I'm not so sure - I think this could one of the films that completely turned me around. 

Did it Raise Excitement? Absolutely; if the goal of a trailer is to make you more excitement, mission accomplished. 

Trailer Rating: 7.5/10

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