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Thursday, April 18, 2019

X-Men: Dark Phoenix - Final Trailer Review

X-Men: Dark Phoenix - Final Trailer Review

The final trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: When marketing a film, you need to be careful about what you put out in what order. I think a lot of studios don't realize how important the order of releasing their trailers is. Because had they led off with this trailer, or even not released the last one and released this one instead, and I think the film would be on track. 

This trailer, despite everything negative I've said about the film and everything negative I've HEARD About the film, is actually rather decent.

Again, I do have the same problem I have with most of these X-Men trailers in that it shows a lot. People say that you can't possibly spoil a movie with a 2 minute trailer, but I think that you can if you cut two minutes of footage in a particular way. I was never a big fan of the idea of "show the entire beginning set up" in the first minute of the trailer. I think there's no need to do something like that, especially for a film like this.

Regardless, we see the entire set-up to the movie in a couple minutes, with the X-Men heading off to save a NASA Shuttle, and Jean gets wrapped up in the mysterious energy source. From what I've seen at least, I think this sequence looks far better than anything else that they've shown.

From there, we get to see shots of Quicksilver, Nightcrawler, and Beast, a few mutants that we didn't get as much footage for previously. And we get to see what looks like it could be a fantastic interaction between Jean and Erik, as she rips apart his helmet.

Honestly, aside from that though, this trailer is rather generic. But in a time when Fox decides to put out trailers that deliberately spoil the movie, I think generic is not a bad word. This trailer could've been a lot of worse. 

Did it Raise Excitement? I don't think anything could really change my view on this film. I think this could easily be the worst comic book film of the year. Regardless, this trailer itself was decent, so it does get points for that. 

Trailer Rating: 6/10

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