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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Captain Marvel - What Does the Film Mean for Avengers: Endgame?

Captain Marvel - What Does the Film Mean for Avengers: Endgame?


Captain Marvel was not one of the quieter MCU in terms of connections to the larger universe. The film had many tie-ins and easter eggs that cemented its status to the 20 films preceding it. But what do the events of the movie mean for the next film, and the last one of Phase 3, Avengers: Endgame?

As we saw in the film, the main energy source that was powering Dr. Lawson's/Mar-vell's engine was indeed the Space Stone itself, the Tesseract. None of us really expected that an infinity stone to show up, especially since the film took place years before Infinity War and all the infinity stones had been revealed. But the space stone, as it turns out, is the key to Carol Danver's powers.

This provides some interesting possibilities for Endgame. There is another super powerful MCU character whose powers are derived from an infinity stone; Scarlet Witch (another one if you count Vision, but I think he's pretty firmly dead). Perhaps this can be a key to defeating Thanos; we saw Scarlet Witch single-handedly fend off the Mad Titan while blasting the mind stone at the same time. Maybe with both characters on screen fighting, the Avengers will stand a chance.

Or, perhaps, on the other side of the spectrum, perhaps this will be what Thanos will use against them. Perhaps there's a way that Thanos can manipulate Carol because her powers come from an infinity stone. This could potentially neutralize one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, leaving the Avengers with their backs against a wall again.

Other than that, Captain Marvel remains relatively self-contained. There is a slight possibility that Monica Rambeau, daughter of Maria Rambeau and superhero in the comics, may appear in Endgame. She is going to be older at the time of Endgame, and assuming she doesn't get dusted, she could play an integral role in Carol's presumably short re-assimilation to earth when she meets the Avengers. 

Of course, there's always the possibility that Goose the Cat is the one that kills Thanos. Wouldn't that be something.

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26th, 2019. 

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