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Monday, April 22, 2019

The Rise of Skywalker - Who Does the Title Reference?

The Rise of Skywalker - Who Does the Title Reference?

Star Wars finally has a title for the ninth episode, and it's The Rise of Skywalker. And with it, comes eight months of speculation; what does it mean? We're going to break down a few possibilities of who/what the title references.

Kylo (Ben Solo/Ben Skywalker): Ben Solo is really is a Skywalker. The Skywalker blood flows through him, and even Snoke acknowledges this in Episode 8, referencing his grandfather Darth Vader. It's entirely possible that Episode 9 insinuates Kylo Ren's rise to power and him taking up the mantle of his grandfather, Skywalker. Maybe rise is just referring to the First Order's rise to power underneath Supreme Leader Skywalker. 

Rey?: While Episode 8 clearly debunked the theory that Rey was a Skywalker, I'm just putting this in there as an obligatory theory. There's always a chance, however small, that Rey actually is a Skywalker. Fans have been predicting this since Episode 7. But I personally think this is the theory with the least credibility. 

Anakin: This is personally the one that I want to happen the most. I think that Anakin Skywalker has remained very, very quiet in the sequel trilogy. His counterpart, Darth Vader, has remained a looming presence, but Anakin himself has been quiet. And I think it's time to give Hayden his due. I thought all along that Hayden was coming back in the sequel trilogy in some way, shape or form, but since he hasn't appeared in the previous two films, I think it's time for his return. 

Palpatine?: Is there something the Emperor wasn't telling us? It has been confirmed through canon that he was the one who initiated Anakin's birth through the force. Perhaps he's somehow connected to all of this in this mess of a family tree. It's not very likely either, but I think it's more likely than Rey being a Skywalker. 

Luke: One of the most obvious picks is Luke. He just had his big movie, but he also died before really getting a huge action scene, which a lot of fans seemed to want. So perhaps this is it; perhaps Luke, as a Force Ghost, is going to get his due and wreck some shop in the final act. Perhaps this really is the rise of Luke. 

Leia: On a more plausible side, Leia is still alive. And Episode 9 was always meant to be her film, and even though Carrie Fisher sadly passed away a couple years ago, JJ insists that there's enough footage to give her a role in the movie. Perhaps Leia will finally take the mantle of Skywalker and be the hope that the Galaxy needs. 

A New Order: This is an interesting theory that could have some plausibility. Perhaps Skywalker will become the new "Jedi" or "Sith": a new branch of Force users. This is interesting because it means Rey could take the mantle of Skywalker without actually being one. She could end the film by training the next generation of "Jedi" now known as "Skywalkers". Then again, if this really is the end of the Skywalker saga, I don't think it would be smart to end off the film with a new WAVE of Skywalkers. 

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20th, 2019.

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