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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Avengers 4 - What Now?

Avengers 4 - What Now?


Avengers: Infinity War, has made its mark, raking in nearly 2 billion dollars thus far. But the biggest question on everyone's mind after seeing the shocking snap: what's going to happen now? 

There are so many things that could happen, and frankly, we'll have absolutely no idea until we at least get a title, maybe a trailer, and we won't know for certain until we see the finished film. But based on what takes place in the film, I do think we can gain a general idea of what is to come. Here are some quick ideas and thoughts about what may take place in Avengers 4.

Doctor Strange's Vision

I feel that the best place to start is with Doctor Strange. As briefly explained in a previous post, Doctor Strange saw through 14 million possible outcomes, and saw the one that involved the Avengers winning. How much he saw, what exactly he saw, we don't know. But we do know that he saw enough to tell Tony after giving up the Time Stone, "We're in the end game now" and "There was no other way".

These two phrases don't insinuate defeat; rather, they imply that whatever had happened beforehand was part of the continuity that Doctor Strange foresaw. And yes, that includes Star-Lord's outrage, as well as the finger snap.

However, perhaps the most important thing that I gleamed from these scenes in the movie was this: Tony Stark NEEDS to be alive. Notice how Doctor Strange jumps back in and pleads for Tony's life in exchange for the infinity stone, when earlier in the film he CLEARLY said something to the effect of, "If it comes between your life and the time stone, I will not hesitate to kill you." That means only one thing: Doctor Strange saw in the future that Tony Stark needed to be alive. For what reason, what purpose, we don't know yet, but from his dialogue, we can garner this much I believe.  

Captain Marvel is the Key?

Another interesting thing from the film was the end credits scene. After the credits roll, we see Nick Fury and Maria Hill driving to an unknown destination before they too are dusted. But before Nick fades away, he does one last thing; he activates a pager of sorts that lights up with the colors of none other than Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel.

What does this mean? We've had little bits and pieces about her solo movie that have come out here and there; for example, we do know that Lee Pace will be returning as Ronan the Accuser, as well as a heavy Kree presence throughout the film. The Russos have also confirmed that she is one of the most powerful characters, bar none, in the entirety of the MCU, which is saying a lot, especially after Thor's grand entrance in Wakanda.

So what does that imply for Avengers 4? We're not sure for certain, but we do know that in the final fight against Thanos (assuming that's even what's going to happen), she will play a huge part. 

Ant-Man and the Quantum Realm

Another film that's slated to come out (very soon, in fact) between Avengers 3 and 4 is Ant-Man and the Wasp. And while Ant-Man may not have been one of the founding Avengers, he may have a bigger part to play in the final film in Marvel's Phase 3. And it may not even be Scott Lang - it may be Hank Pym.

Hank Pym, as detailed in a couple scenes in the first Ant-Man as well as the trailers for the sequel, has tapped into the Quantum Realm, a place that he describes where, "any concept of space and time become irrelevant". The important thing to note there is "thing is irrelevant": this could play a huge part in the Avengers heading back to undo their wrongs and make things right.

Additionally, Thanos possesses the time stone, so unless the Avengers somehow steal it off of him, and who knows where in the galaxy he is, this looks to be their best bet. 

Time Travel

Jumping off of that point, it seems clear that the Avengers are going to time travel. It seems like the only way that they can get to the Infinity Stones before Thanos can. This is one of the most widely accepted theories to date, especially because of the leaked set photos showing a pre-beard, first Avengers Steve Rogers with an aged Tony Stark, as well as scenes recreating the ending of the first Avengers where Loki is taken back to Asgard. While we don't know exactly they're doing back in time, it seems pretty clear that they will be heading back to reverse the snap somehow, some way. 

"We Don't Trade Lives."

One of the lines that stuck out throughout the film was one uttered by Captain America early one, and repeated by Vision near the end of the movie: We don't trade lives. While it didn't seem to have much significance in this film in particular, I do believe that it will have MAJOR implications for the next film.

The way that it was placed, as well as the way it was delivered leads me to believe that while the philosophy at the current moment may be not to trade lives, the original 6 may be forced to lay down their lives to bring back the current dead Avengers. It makes perfect sense as well.

It seems that each and every Avenger that remains has someone on the other side who they are accountable for (other than the Guardians, but I'm sure there's an explanation for that). Tony would give his life for Peter Parker, Steve for Bucky, perhaps Ant-Man for Wasp, Okoye for Black Panther, Rocket for Groot; it adds up very neatly, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is what goes down come May.

Avengers 4 hits theaters May 3rd. 

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