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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Trailer 2 Review

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Trailer 2 Review

The second trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, the animated Spider-Man film, has arrived. Does it deliver? 

Thoughts: The very idea behind this film is intriguing to me. When this film was first announced, I was instantly interested in what Sony Animation had in store. Then they released the first trailer, and I was instantly turned off. Something about the animation style, the cheesiness, something just didn't click between me and this version of Spider-Man.

And then this second trailer came. I have two major thoughts about the trailer - the first of which is a positive; I believe that this trailer is slightly better than the first one. This trailer has moments of character interaction that make me want to see these characters want to interact with each other. The inclusion of Spider-Gwen was interesting and overall, I found this trailer drew me in more than the first one.

HOWEVER, despite this being a better trailer, for whatever reason, this trailer turned me off EVEN MORE than the first trailer. After watching this trailer, I objectively could say that this was a better trailer, but subjectively, I couldn't pull myself to be excited. The animation style and campiness of the trailer just completely repelled me.

Did it Raise Excitement? This trailer just affirmed the fact that I don't want, need, or care for this film at all.

Trailer Rating: 3.5/10

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